Expert Voices on Atrocity Prevention is a podcast by the Global Centre for the Responsibility to Protect. The podcast, hosted by Global Centre Director of Policy and Research Jaclyn Streitfeld-Hall, features one-on-one conversations with practitioners from the field of human rights, conflict prevention, atrocity prevention and other related agendas. These conversations aim to provide a glimpse of the personal and professional side of how practitioners approach human rights protection and atrocity prevention. The podcast is available on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, SoundCloud and YouTube. Please subscribe for new episodes.
In this episode, we sat down with Samuel Emonet, Executive Director of Justice Rapid Response. During the episode Samuel shares how Justice Rapid Response supports investigations into grave violations of international law. Samuel explains Justice Rapid Response’s methodology in deploying experts with a wide array of specialized skills to aid in investigating and documenting crimes and how they uphold their core tenets of utilizing a victim-centered approach. He also shares how his own professional journey led him to realize the role played by international justice in achieving sustainable peace and the importance of working on justice objectives as early as possible in conflict settings.
Ralph Bunche Institute for International Studies
The Graduate Center, CUNY
365 Fifth Avenue, Suite 5203
New York, NY 10016-4309, USA