The Ministries for Foreign Affairs of Finland and Mexico, in cooperation with the Global Centre for the Responsibility to Protect (R2P), will host the 8th Annual Meeting of the Global Network of R2P Focal Points in Helsinki, Finland between 12 and 14 June 2018.
The principle of the responsibility to protect refers to the obligation of states toward their populations and toward all populations at risk of genocide, war crimes, crimes against humanity and ethnic cleansing under International Humanitarian and Human Rights Law.
The meeting brings together national R2P Focal Points and other participants from more than 40 countries and international organizations who aim to promote mass atrocity prevention at the national, regional and international level. Among invited participants is the Special Adviser of the United Nations Secretary-General on the Prevention of Genocide, Mr. Adama Dieng.
“The Helsinki meeting provides an excellent opportunity for the participants to exchange experiences and best practices on how to integrate responsibility to protect considerations in their daily work, at the national level and in foreign policy,” says Ambassador Marja Lehto who is the national R2P Focal Point of Finland.
Promoting the Responsibility to Protect both at home and internationally has been a longstanding policy priority for Finland, with specific emphasis on mass atrocity prevention.
The Global Network was established in 2010 to improve national and international efforts to prevent and halt mass atrocities. The Network is comprised of governments that have demonstrated their commitment to upholding their responsibility to protect by designating a senior official who acts as an advocate for, and a primary point of contact on, matters related to mass atrocity prevention.
“In these times of global crisis, conflict mediation and international justice remain essential. R2P Focal Points play an important role in upholding the principles, laws and institutions that help prevent atrocities and protect the human rights of the most vulnerable people in the world” noted Dr. Simon Adams, Executive Director of the Global Centre for the Responsibility to Protect.
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