The Global Network of R2P Focal Points held its sixth annual meeting from 20 to 22 June in Seoul, Republic of Korea. The governments of the Republic of Korea and the Democratic Republic of Timor-Leste co-hosted the sixth annual meeting in association with the Global Centre for the Responsibility to Protect. Senior government representatives from more than 50 countries from all regions of the globe participated.
Following the tenth anniversary of the 2005 adoption of the Responsibility to Protect at the UN World Summit, the discourse on R2P has focused on moving from principle to practice. With this practical need in mind, the Sixth Annual meeting of the Global Network of R2P Focal Points aimed to identify concrete measures Focal Points can undertake individually and collectively to implement R2P at national, regional and global levels. Through roundtable discussions R2P Focal Points identified best practices and challenges in the prevention of mass atrocities and discussed ways in which they could better operationalize the Global Network.
Sessions of the sixth annual meeting focused on addressing challenges R2P Focal Points encounter in fulfilling their role within their governments and on building national, regional and international capacities to prevent and halt mass atrocities. In addition to expert presentations, several R2P Focal Points also briefed other participants on projects they have undertaken since the start of their appointment. The final day of the three-day meeting featured interactive discussions aimed at building upon recommendations for practical initiatives that participants put forward during earlier sessions.
A full meeting summary is available for download below.
Ralph Bunche Institute for International Studies
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